Our Story

During Liz Reyna’s career in the finance industry, she had no idea that one day she would leave to start her own organic skincare company. It all began with the ancient golden-hued spice, turmeric.
Having experienced difficult skin for most of her adult life, nothing Liz tried could help relieve the discomfort. That all changed when a friend handed her a turmeric-infused cream from India. Liz became inspired by how well curcumin, the antioxidant ingredient that gives turmeric its color, made a difference in her skin’s appearance.
With an enthusiasm for a clean, organic lifestyle, Liz became passionate about seeking out other natural skincare ingredients—leading her to discover global treasures of exotic herbs, spices, and plants that have been handed down from one generation to the next. For over a decade Passport to Organics has been on a quest to source skincare solutions from the world’s most effective, cleanest, and science-based ingredients. We are minority and women owned and all our products are vegan and cruelty-free. 

Our commitment to guiding you on a path to beautiful skin is reflected in our “four leaves” compass emblem, which represents the facets of our brand


Blending natural and science-based ingredients used for centuries, professional estheticians formulate our products in FDA-registered, USDA-certified facilities. We focus on green chemistry, which takes a sustainable approach while maximizing our products efficiency.
We craft everything in small batches with vigilant quality oversight. Because there is no regulated standard for clean skincare, at Passport to Organics we adhere to our own set of regulations—and check every cruelty-free ingredient against our “Passport Denied” list. You’ll find no added sulfates, synthetic fragrances and colors, GMOs, parabens, or sodium lauryl sulfites.


Because we love our gorgeous planet, we support the work of global nonprofits that are furthering a sustainable future. The world’s largest micro-loan charity, Kiva enables people to lend money to income-challenged entrepreneurs and students in more than 80 nations. Spark Ventures partners with countries to create jobs and build relationships that lift communities out of poverty.


Thank you for joining us on this journey, 

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